A couple of good gift ideas for your Sprinter Van-loving family member, and a workbench for DIY professionals on the move.
Rear Door Bicycle Repair Stand

We developed this repair-stand bracket to reinforce the rear Sprinter Van door in the ideal position where a bike repair stand should be mounted. We also include the Sportneer wall-mounted bike repair stand clamp, which quickly slides into a bracket for effortless removal. this means you do not have to worry about interference with a bed structure or gear stowed in the back of your van.

SAGA Sprinter Van Rear Door Bike Repair Stand
We have a limited amount in stock ready to ship. Use code GG2023 to take 10% off this Sprinter Van bike stand for the cyclist on your list.
Terrapin Wedge Seat Base Organizer

Reparadise designed and manufactured Terrapin Wedge makes a great addition to any Sprinter Van Interior by finishing off the unused space around the seat bases. The kit is easy to assemble and can be modified to fit most 2016+ Sprinter Vans. hex-ply construction cnc’d in-house by Reparadise.

SAGA Terrapin Wedge Sprinter Van Seat Organizer
Limited stock is ready to ship in time for the holiday. Use code GG2023 to take 10% off this Sprinter Van seat base organizer.
Paulk Smart Bench

Easy to assemble and endlessly useful for the carpenter in your life, the Paulk Smart Bench is constructed from Ultralight Plywood. This means it’s a breeze to store and move around to different project sites, and it takes up a minimal amount of space when not needed. The bench is modular and designed for carpenters on the move by the mobile workshop expert.

Paulk Smart Bench
The Paulk Smart Bench is the lightest, tightest, fly-est, bench you could take to the job site.
New lower price for the Paulk Bench, ready to ship in time for the holiday.